
Invisibobble & L'Oreal Sunkiss Jelly

Wednesday 17 September 2014


Today I'm going to reviewing two hair products which you may or may not have come across before. 

Let me introduce the brilliant, but obscure looking Invisibobble (£3.75 for a pack of 3 from Boots).

Unfortunately I don't have a photo of these in their box as I've been using them for a while. I decided to review them because a couple of friends spotted me sporting an Invisibobble and said "what on earth is this?!".

Prior to buying Invisibobbles, I bought a pack of 20 'normal' hair bands every 6 weeks or so. 
The problems with the classic hair tie being: 

1) Pulling out clumps of hair on removal
2) Leaving a big dent in the hair so you can't transition 
between having your hair up then down
3) Bad value for money
4) Creating knots

The Invisibobble slides out with absolute ease, without creating a bump (providing your hair is dry), I've bought two packs which I've not had to replace and I can't see that I ever will. 
(pink, and black for when I'm being sophisticated!)

Invisibobble also gives more of an 'oomphy' ponytail. I don't know how it does it, but it does! 

See that Oomph?! 

As a scientific experiment I did some housework with my hair up (days off are for blogging and ironing) and then removed it, to prove to you guys that I am bump free! I shall show you after I've talked about my second hair product L'Oreal Casting Sunkiss Jelly (£5.99 from Boots)

The box contains a tube, and the tube contains the gloopy stuff.  I really didn't believe that anything which you leave on your hair for as long as you like could have such good results!
I sent out a heavily-hashtagged photo on Instagram to ask for advice on how to use it. Thank you to anyone who responded! 

The method I went for was to dispense the jelly through damp hair using my fingers, and then blow-dry. However you can use it on dry hair, and you can just sit in the sun. Sunlight or heat from a hairdryer makes the product more effective. I don't know how, must just be 'because science'.

I'm one of those girls who has had my hair white-blonde, pillar box red, fuchsia pink, strawberry blonde, ginger, and plain old brown. At the moment I've got a Zoella Ombre going on, simply because it means I can grow my roots out and give my hair a rest from the dye. But I've noticed the natural colour of my roots looks really dull and slightly grey next to the faux-roots of my ombre which have a warm tone. For that reason I have only been putting Sunkiss Jelly on my roots. The box suggests either using it as an all-over treatment, or just on the ends of darker hair to create an ombre! The possibilities are endless. 

I really hadn't noticed much difference, the change is so gradual. But then, all of a sudden, the compliments and comments about my hair being blonder came flocking in! Excellent! I wash my hair maybe 4 times a week and I've been using Sunkiss Jelly twice a week for about 3 weeks. 
To give you some proof here is a photo I took about 3 weeks ago next to one I took today. 
(And look, no dents or bumps! Helloooooo Invisibobble!) 

My roots are really significantly lighter, but not so much that when my natural colour grows through it will cause a problem. Perfect! 

Boots currently have a 3 for 2 deal on anything to do with hair! Which means you could give one of the products I've reviewed a try, when you buy your usual shampoo & coniditioner! 

Thank you for reading! 

Ashton xxx

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