
My first post!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Hello! Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm Ashton.
...and frankly, I'm a little late!

I'll tell you a bit about myself and my relationship with the beauty world, the blogging world, and the!

I graduated in 2012 from Birmingham, I studied animation. Those three years were the most creative, confusing and incredible years I've lived yet! When I graduated, I felt like a lost soul.... a very skint lost soul. And so I spent 50% of my time applying and interviewing for jobs relevant to my degree, and the other 50% applying for anything and everything. Through this process I landed a job which was probably half way between the two! I began working for Benefit Cosmetics, meaning I could put my creative skills and love for make up to good use, without the loneliness which comes with spending the day animating, staring at a MacBook!
Initially, the job was just money in my pocket. However, it soon became my One True Love!
The cosmetics industry has taught me the power of people skills, it showed me that a compliment can make a person's day, and that social media can influence a customers spending habits without them even realising. I love the look on a woman's face when she's just bought something she knows makes her look lush.

Two and a bit years later... I now work for my favourite brand, Bare Minerals (more about that later). I'm living with my best friend and my boyfriend (more about those guys later!). I've had an internship in Benefit's marketing department. I've been all over the country for various types of training. I've hosted two Bblogger events, co-hosted a couple of other events, helped out with a Look Good Feel Better session (more about those guys later), and developed a serious obsession with Instagram.

I might be a bit late to the party, but I really hope you'll have me anyway!
I have a hell of a lot to talk about, and I'm all ears for you guys.
So let's raise a glass.... to BLOGGING!

(My boyfriend is away for the night, I've spent the night drinking this and painting my nails. When Stella started doing Cider I was so against it! But now they've made it pink... I like it! Its far too easy to drink! My nail varnish is Barry M - Papaya with an accent nail of Estee Lauder's Envious)

Ashton xxx


  1. So so happy you've finally done this! Now get on bloglovin girly! Give it a cheeky google xxx

  2. Hi Ashton nice to find your blog !! You sound a lovely person to get to know, and can't wait to see what posts you have to share with us all :) hopefully we can get to know one another a bit more .. I'm just about to have a snoop about your blog now ! Lots of love Jamie - xox


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