Thank you to Emma of The Turquoise Door for nominating me for The Liebster Award. Check out her blog, it's about renovating her newly purchased home! It's lush.
I've heard of The Liebster award before but not really given it much thought 'til now! A bit of Googling and I have learnt it originated in Germany and is basically a chain-mail method of getting little-known blogs out there! The word Liebster means loved, welcome, dearest, valued.
(I've got a bit of a thing for foreign words with no direct English translation at the moment. Since falling in love with a Danish word which was missing in my vocabulary, but that's another story for another day)
So... there's a couple of different version of the award, Emma has given me 11 questions for me to answer, and then I will give 11 to 11 bloggers...
1- Why did you start your blog?
Since I've been working in the beauty industry I've hosted a few bloggers events, and the girls I've become friendly with were nagging me to start one! It took two attempts the first one fell flat on it's face, but now I love it! It's nice to have a little hobby, and it's satisfying hearing that people have actually enjoyed or learned from what I've said! It's a nice extension of my job, but gives me a chance to enjoy cosmetics without the stress of work. I like that it belongs to me too, and I can write about whatever I fancy. Whether its food or farts or facepaints, I can please myself!
2- When you were young what was your dream job?
Umm, I think I was one of those kids who wanted to be a vet one week and an astronaut the next. I did often say I wanted to be 'an artist' even though I had no concept of what that actually meant!
3- What makes you happy?
The simple things! Pyjamas. Being warm. Wine. Good food. Good films. Good music. Not having any washing in the washing basket. Yoga. Swimming. Not having roots. Pinterest. Being really into a book. Candles.
4- What are you most proud of?
I hate being proud, it makes me cringe. I should say my degree I suppose. I'm proud that I'm a relatively together person, I have a job and I live in a home and I can afford to feed myself and do fun things. I really don't know, I can't handle this question bye.
5- What do you hope to accomplish this year?
This one also makes me feel a bit weird. Mostly, I'd love to just see some more corners of the world I've yet to see. Even bits of Great Britain I've not seen!
6- Describe your ideal weekend
Ok let's pretend money and tiredness aren't an issue here, as that's what would usually stop me. I would wake up early on Saturday, eat cereal and go to a yoga class, have a bit of a swim and then sit in the steam room for ages. Then I'd come back home and have a nap, wake up and put some lazy make up on. Have a barbecue in the back garden (because it's summer, obvs) and loads of my friends would be there. The sun would be out for ages and it would stay warm 'til late, we'd be drinking and eating and then they'd bugger off and I'd go to bed. Bed activities occur (wink) then sleeping. Amazingly deep, top quality sleep. Then on Sunday we would sleep 'til about 10.30, wake up and have eggs and bacon. Watch some crappy telly and then mooch about the local shops, go for Sunday lunch in The Urban Standard. Go home. Watch a film, have a cuddle. Have a bath, watch Mr Selfridge. Sleep. Done. Lush.
7- Favourite quote
I don't really have a favourite which springs to mind. But here is something I like.
"A flower does not think of competing with the next flower to it. It just blooms."
I am slowly learning that my success, attractiveness, happiness and achievements are nothing to do with anyone else's.
8- What is one of your beauty secrets?
Facewipes can go to hell. Maybe when you're drunk and that's about it. They're the worst, they're full of alcohol, dry your skin out, never take everything off. Bleurgh, ban them!
9- A random fact about you
I'm an only child.
10- What is your signature dish?
That's another thing I am still in the process of learning. I love food, but I don't have anything I'd call a signature! Tonight I'm making some fancy lamb business which I saw on Pinterest!
11- Current favourite trend?
It's so boring to say 'pastels' isn't it? Such a cliche spring trend but I love a good pastel. I love when I start seeing all the high street retailers rolling out the pastels, because it means the clocks will go forward soon, the sun will stick around for longer, it will start getting warmer, and it's my birthday soon! Pastels just look happy! I'm not a big one for wearing new season trends, if I buy something this summer I'll want to be able to wear it in 2 or 3 summers time and not look like a pillock.
I nominate:
Oh dear. I really can't think of anymore. I read a really small collection of blogs, and some of them have millions of followers so there's no point tagging them! It's supposed to be 11 bloggers but never mind. Here's your 11 questions...
1) How many blogs do you read, and how often?
2) Do you prefer blogs to be about one things, or a range of topics?
3) Which is better... food or sleep?
4) If you could only choose one piece of make up for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5) If you could only shop in one shop for the rest of your life, what shop would it be?
6) What do you do to relax?
7) If you could give one tip to new bloggers like myself, what would it be?
8) What is your best feature?
9) What's your best personality attribute?
10) Night in or night out?
11) What did you have for lunch today?
(If you've already done it, or can't be bothered. I wont be offended!)
Ashton xxx
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