

Sunday, 23 August 2015

(photo credit: MrASingh via twitter)

My ego and cynicism has always got in the way of me truly enjoying any of Banksy's work. During his Banksy vs Bristol exhibition in 2009 I was studying up the road at Bristol School of Art and I came up with a vague, ill-informed theory which I have stuck with 'til now. Essentially, I refused to take the artist's work on face value and decided 'he' is a fictional character created by Bristol City Council to drive people into the city. People travelled from all over the world, queueing for hours on end and spending thousands of pounds in Bristol. Congratulations to the council, I thought. 

Fast forward six years and I find myself stood in the blazing sunshine, feeling sassy in face full of make up, a summer dress and a pair of Micheal Kors sunglasses. Then moments later, the torrential rain kicks in and I'm in sopping wet clothes, make up down my face and - as one of the Dismaland staff pointed out to me "You aint' gonna need them sunglasses are you, love?" I am queuing for Banksy's latest exhibition, Dismaland
I'm sure I don't need to tell you the gist of the concept, it's all over Twitter, Facebok and every national news website going. Initially I was disappointed that photos were so readily available after the press day. I wanted to be surprised! However, I can safely say seeing a photo tweeted by Ch4 news in no way compares to the experience of being there. It didn't ruin the experience for me, I was still surprised. 

Of course, I started my Dismal experience like everyone else - repeatedly clicking the JPEG image of a 'ticket' calendar Banksy had trolled us all with on the Dismaland website - none the wiser to the fact that this waste of my time is quite possibly part of the message Dismaland portays. By tweeting and facebooking our disappointment at the site 'crashing' we may as well be walking around holding a balloon stating 'I AM AN IMBECILLE'. Oh, wait... 

An aspect of Dismaland I love is that one person will connect with one feature, and the person stood next to them may not quite 'get' what's going on...
In the gallery section I was mesmerised by a set up of a desk. A projection played a loop of various recognisable children's TV characters. Stood next to me was a child saying to his mother "Mum, you've seen it already, it's just playing again. Mum, it's just on a loop can we go now?" My boyfriend mirrored this sentiment, he was more interested in Caroline McCarthy's plant pots (I won't ruin that one for you).

The music, teamed with the repetitive animation, the screwed up bits of paper and the little details (empty packets of sugar, pens which looks like they've had a hard life, and cotton buds destined for the bin) reminded me of my life a few years ago studying animation. The concept of this piece was something I can really relate to. To put it bluntly... animation sucks. It's monotonous, it's lonely, it's frustrating, and it deprives you of sleep. 
The piece is by Andreas Hydake and the film is called 'Love & Theft' and is available on his website, if you're not able to get to Dismaland and want to have a watch and a listen! 

The highlight of the day for me took place in Darren Cullen's 'Pocket Money Loans' pop up shop. On face value this looks like your every day high street payday loan shop. Inside features posters luring in kids with 'FREE TOYS AVAILABLE'. 
(photo credit Toby Melville via Metro)

I was lucky enough to witness a golden moment in which a boy of about 6 approached the desk asking for his free toy. It was explained to him that to get your free toy you can borrow against the amount of pocket money you receive, but then you'll have to pay loads back (5,000% to be precise) and then you can have a free toy, but then also loads of bad things to do with APR and bullies acting as bailiffs will happen but don't worry about that because it's boring and you want your free toy RIGHT NOW. 
The kids face was an absolute picture, I honestly wish I'd caught it on camera he was so baffled. 
Although this was pricelessly entertaining, it did raise the point that loan companies are exploiting the vulnerability and naiveté of underpaid workers in the UK, and basically it just isn't fair and it isn't nice. 

I had a big think and a lengthy chat with the boyf after leaving Dismaland, and came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter who Banksy is. It doesn't matter how involved or uninvolved the council are. It doesn't matter who knew and why they did or didn't keep his identity a secret. That's not for me to worry about, what is for me to worry about it how lucky I am to live in the South West of this wondrous first world country, and that there is some incredible artistic talent working here on our planet. 
Please note I've barely touched upon Dismaland in it's entirety, there is so much more than what I've mentioned here. It also features Cinderella in a situation which could have brought me to tears, lessons on how to be a street artist without breaking the law, various fair ground games, a short-film cinema and most importantly a handful of bars! 
I strongly recommend a visit to Dismaland, whether it's because you remember The Tropicana in it's heyday, or because you want to expand your political knowledge. Whether you want to read facts on the demise of our society, or just look at beautiful pieces of design. Whether you want to go on your own, spending the day with your own thoughts, or take the entire family for a fun day on a carousel (I did spot a family of 4 doing this, oblivious to the horse-meat scandal reference made explicit with a carnival horse hanging behind a butcher opposite their choice of horse). I think every person, in one way or another will leave Dismaland having taken something from their day. I certainly had an absolutely Dismal time.

A Pledge.

Friday, 14 August 2015

At the end of this month I move to a new flat, and I have now finished training and am about to start my new job.

I pledge that by September I will have

  • Returned to Yoga
  • Stopped biting my nails (again)
  • Had a haircut
  • Blogged with more photographs, less words and more make up!
  • Given my creative side some attention
  • Eaten and cooked for the the joy  of the process not just the necessity. 
  • Felt better, in every way!

Ashton xx

Working On A Beauty Counter.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Hello! It's been a while hasn't it?

Since I've last posted here, I have left my job and have started working in a completely different industry. I thought I'd write a brutally honest post on what it's actually like to work in the beauty industry. Here's a little break down of some of the less known aspects of the job.

   1.   People will ask stupid questions. 
Approximately 3 times a week someone would stand in front of me with a red lipstick in their hand and say
"Is this lipstick red?".
I would have to stop myself sarcastically replying with
"No, it's blue."
However, after doing the job for such a long time I realise that what the customers wants is reassurance and/or a confidence boost. Whether they realise it or not, they're actually asking
"Can I pull off red lipstick?" 
and sometimes you just have to read between the lines, and tell them what they want to hear.

   2. Instagram makes for high expectations.
Someone will present a photo they've pulled off Instagram, not realising that the face in question has been shot under professional lighting with a SLR camera. Aswell as going through Photoshop or 4 different editing apps and one final Insta filter.
I wish I could remind people that it's hard to look like Amrezy in the toilets of Lloyds with your iPhone, it doesn't mean that the make up doesn't look good it just means that you're not a professional Instagrammer!

  3. You are a sales person before you are an artist.  
A beauty counter is business before anything else. Sure, we all get trained on how to create beautiful faces. But you know what else we get trained on? How to make money! You can go to college and have a handful of qualifications in make-up, media make-up, theatrical make-up, beauty therapy etc etc. But if you don't have the skill of persuading someone to put their hands in their pockets and buy products, then you are no use to anyone! Having the ability to feel comfortable to talk to the public, and confident to talk them into buying is something you simply cannot teach. You either got it, or ya don't!

   4. It's worth sussing out who you're going to work for.
Ok, I didn't think I'd ever slander a brand on here. But it's my blog and I'll write what I want!
I will say this straight up right now... Benefit suck to work for, I did it for 2 years and I have no idea why I stuck it out for so long. Their turnover of staff is high, for a reason. Benefit's training is minimal, followed by unachievable expectations after so little training, the perks are the worst available across all the brands. The way Benefit staff get paid makes no sense and the promotion structure is ridiculous. If you'd like me to expand on this, I can give specific examples. Feel free to tweet or message me, I'm happy to talk about my experience. I don't mean to offend anyone who does work for Benefit, let the record state I am talking from my own personal experience and what I have witnessed close friends experience. But srsly, don't waste ya time.
Most brand are owned either by the Lauder group (Mac, Clinique, Bobbi Brown + others) or L'oreal Luxe (Lancome, The Body Shop, YSL, Armani + others). I briefly worked for Urban Decay as they were being taken over by L'oreal, but not really enough to comment.
I worked for Bare Minerals for just over year, I lusted after Bare Minerals for a long time. I can honestly say they were so brilliant to work for, I always felt that the management valued, praised and looked after me. The perks were generous, the pay is fair and the training is fun and thorough. I would 100% recommend Bare Minerals as an employer, again if you'd like to talk more about this feel free to get in contact, it's something I'll happily chat about!

  5. It will be assumed that you are stupid. 
I pride myself on knowing pretty much every ingredient in almost every Bare Minerals product, as well as what the ingredient does, and how. I enjoy the science! I was told I delved too far into the details, and that no customer would ever need to know. Which is 99% true, but when that 1 in 100 customer was to ask a really detailed question, I loved being able to share my knowledge and explain the science of the skin. (Which again, helps to nail the sale!)
People hear 'beauty girl' and think 'idiot', it's ridiculous. Occasionally, I would have people talk to me like I'd just been born.

   6. There is no one type of customer. 
You may have noticed I've not referred to the customers as 'women'. This is because it's unfair to generalise cosmetics customers as women. I have put make up on everyone from a girl of 8, to a woman of 92 and everything in between. I've helped drag queens, cross dressers and transgender women. I've foundation matched people with chronic acne, painful eczema and perfect skin. Men buy concealer just the same as women do. You can't expect one type of person to need your help. It's really important to give each one of them the same standard of service, without asking a single question about who they are or why they've come to you, unless they do so first. Diversity within beauty was one of my favourite aspects of the job.

I hope that's helped anyone who is considering a job in the industry. I think I might follow this up with a more positive side of the job, I did it for 3 years and more so it can't be all bad, hey?!

Any questions please do tweet me or email me.

Ashton xx

Steak Of The Art Seafood Evening

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Hello... stranger!

Today I'm going to be talking about an event hosted by Steak Of The Art on the harbour side in Bristol.

Last Tuesday was going to be a night in with questionable microwave food and Netflix, when this happened....

I am most certainly not one to say no to free food! I have visited Steak of the Art before. However this particular evening was something a little special and different to their usual menu. Hosted by themselves and Fish For Thought, a small Cornish company who deliver fresh, local, sustainable fish and seafood. 

(photo credit @MakeDigitalWork)

I didn't take photos of every course...there was eight of them! 
My favourite was Lobster Bisque (imagine a creamy, fishy, tomato coloured soup). The crab cakes (pictured above) were beautiful. 
Both I had never eaten before, so a brilliant introduction to some new foods. 

I know you're dying to know what I wore, obvs! 
This Skirt from River Island makes me feel like Kim Kardashian. However it is a bit of a hindrance to my ability to walk! It feels a bit like having a mermaid tail, how apt! 

I am incredibly grateful to Steak of The Art for hosting this competition! It was an opportunity to eat some delicious food, drink (a little too much) carefully chosen wine, and have some fascinating conversations about the fishing industry with some really interesting people. 

If you've yet to visit Steak of The Art, they frequently feature on the app Wriggle, which is similar to voucher cloud with an emphasis on independant Bristol eateries. 
Once you're in the app, you can use my code 'CDKUAK' to get £3 off, and giving me £3 in return! 

Tuna in next time, hope you had a whale of a time, catch you later! 

Ashton xxx

Phee's Make Up Tips Glow Highlight Powder

Tuesday, 7 April 2015


At the time of writing I am TWO VIEWS away from a significant number (in my eyes). And I'd like to just take this little moment to say thank you for reading, who ever you are! It's really lovely of you.

I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front, but I won't apologise as it's been my 25th birthday!
I've been pretty lucky with the weather for my birthday weekend and I've been out in the sunshine as much as possible! 

Today I was feeling a little guilty about the fact I've not yet reviewed this product so I took some cute little snaps outside in my garden. I've blogged about Phees Makeup Tips before, she's a lovely red headed blogger with a really nice real-life-human-being vibe to her, something which is sometimes hard to get across via a screen. I really enjoy her writing and photo style. 
Phee has become an entrepreneurial blogger, and started creating her own products! 

Glow Highlight Powder is a really soft mineral highlighter with a lovely warm yellowy sheen. 

Here I have swatched it on my hands (even though it looks like my feet, I promise this is not a foot, that would be strange) the bottom stripe is the highlighter wet, and the top stripe is dry. 

I received this lovely little handwritten note in my package, a real personal touch! 

Last night's birthday meal make up, with Glow Highlight Powder under my brows and on my cheek bones. It's really lovely and subtle, but gives enough of a sheen that it's noticeable under light. 

If you sign up to Phee's newsletter you will recieve a code to get 50% off this lovely product, making it a mere £4! Which is a total steal, and it's a really lovely feeling knowing she's doing this off her own back! I believe Phee announced today via her Instagram that she will be releasing more colours. Exciting! Definitely one to watch! You'll be buying Phee's make up in Debenhams before you know it! And if you buy from her now you'll be able to say you were in it from the get-go! 

Sorry this post is short and sweet, but I think the product speaks for itself and I've just got to go get me some more sunshine! 

Lots of Love.
Ashton xx

Make Your Own Bod/Facial Scrub

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Today I'm going to show you how I get rid of my dead skin! 

Before I start, let me tell you I LOVE exfoliating, maybe more than a person should. Nothing gives me more pleasure than scrubbing off dead skin cells. If you're having a bit of a gross day, it can be so very satisfying to buff away the old and make way for the new. Exfoliating also makes moisturisers work more effectively, and fake tan looks better on freshly polished skin! 

There are a couple of reasons I began making my own body scrub. One of them being the environment, I'm not a big eco-warrior, but I try to be at least a little biconscientious with regards to plastic bags and recycling my cereal boxes. You only need to google something along the lines of 'microbeads effect on the enviroment' to be presented with gazillions of articles explaining the damage most scrubs cause to fishys! Click to read some examples here here and here. Using a product with natural ingredients will not only give you glowing skin but also a clear conscience regarding sea creatures! If you're not one for DIY, some fish-friendly scrubs on the market include Ocean Salt from LushBare Minerals Exfoliating Treatment Cleanser (previously reviewed here) and Origins Ginger Body Scrub

I love the fact that I can control what goes in! I'm not going to give you a precise recipe, because I never use one myself! I play it by ear depending on what feels right, and with the process of trial & error. I've used both olive oil and coconut oil, and I've discovered a 50/50 mix of each is best. Coconut oil gives that amazing smell but on it's own it's a little too stiff and doesn't rub in as easily! Coconut oil needs to be heated up a little in a jar placed in warm water. Olive oil on it's own works perfectly, coconut oil can be quite pricey so don't feel that it's a necessity. 

The 'scrubby' aspect itself can be created with so many different things! Sugar and salt are so cheap, this massive bag of sea salt was only 99p, and brown or white sugar both do an amazing job. None of these ingredients are things I've purpose-bought either, everything was just in my kitchen cupboards. 
I've also experimented using oats, oats are known to soothe the skin, really good for someone who suffers with eczema, psoriasis or just redness and sensitivity. I've used this ready-brek style stuff as it's already finely ground, I'm not sure how well actual porridge oats would work, I might have to give it a try! I have also split open a (used) tea bag! Because... why the hell not?! Maybe it is a bit weird, but it's scrubby, so who cares! I believe green tea would be a more active ingredient. 

The one ingredient I couldn't go without is coffee. I hate coffee and I've never drank a single cup in my life. But I absolutely adore the smell, I'll happily stick my head in a tub of beans and have a good old sniff. Delicious. Personally, I use the ground remains left at the bottom of my boyfriend's cafetiere (how very thrifty!). However I know instant coffee also does the trick! 
Rubbing coffee into your skin boosts the blood flow to the surface, reducing cellulite! 

Here my stages of exfolating:
1) 10 minutes in the steam room at the gym. 
(This means my pores are open and have began flushing out impurities.)
2) Rub the scrub on my entire self (in a shower cubicle, so no one thinks I'm weird
3) Stand around (for as long as I can without anyone sussing out that there's a girl covered in coffee in a shower cubicle.) Allowing all the ingredients to have a little time to do their business. 
4) Rinse.
5) Sit in the sauna smelling of coffee, (usually someone sat in there will ask why, and I end up telling them all about fish and fake tan)
6) Shower again. 
7) Moisturise and/or fake tan!
This is me and my lovely friend Hannah who usually scrubs with me! 

Steam rooming etc isn't compulsory, scrubbing in a nice hot bath or shower will also do the trick!

Let me know if you do anything similar, or feel inspired to make your own!
Comment below or tweet me @ashtonlewsey

Thanks for reading

Ashton xxx

Liebster Award!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Thank you to Emma of The Turquoise Door for nominating me for The Liebster Award. Check out her blog, it's about renovating her newly purchased home! It's lush. 

I've heard of The Liebster award before but not really given it much thought 'til now! A bit of Googling and I have learnt it originated in Germany and is basically a chain-mail method of getting little-known blogs out there! The word Liebster means loved, welcome, dearest, valued. 
(I've got a bit of a thing for foreign words with no direct English translation at the moment. Since falling in love with a Danish word which was missing in my vocabulary, but that's another story for another day)

So... there's a couple of different version of the award, Emma has given me 11 questions for me to answer, and then I will give 11 to 11 bloggers...

1- Why did you start your blog?
Since I've been working in the beauty industry I've hosted a few bloggers events, and the girls I've become friendly with were nagging me to start one! It took two attempts the first one fell flat on it's face, but now I love it! It's nice to have a little hobby, and it's satisfying hearing that people have actually enjoyed or learned from what I've said! It's a nice extension of my job, but gives me a chance to enjoy cosmetics without the stress of work. I like that it belongs to me too, and I can write about whatever I fancy. Whether its food or farts or facepaints, I can please myself!

2- When you were young what was your dream job?
Umm, I think I was one of those kids who wanted to be a vet one week and an astronaut the next. I did often say I wanted to be 'an artist' even though I had no concept of what that actually meant!

3- What makes you happy?
The simple things! Pyjamas. Being warm. Wine. Good food. Good films. Good music. Not having any washing in the washing basket. Yoga. Swimming. Not having roots. Pinterest. Being really into a book. Candles. 

4- What are you most proud of?
I hate being proud, it makes me cringe. I should say my degree I suppose. I'm proud that I'm a relatively together person, I have a job and I live in a home and I can afford to feed myself and do fun things. I really don't know, I can't handle this question bye. 

5- What do you hope to accomplish this year?
This one also makes me feel a bit weird. Mostly, I'd love to just see some more corners of the world I've yet to see. Even bits of Great Britain I've not seen!

6- Describe your ideal weekend
Ok let's pretend money and tiredness aren't an issue here, as that's what would usually stop me. I would wake up early on Saturday, eat cereal and go to a yoga class, have a bit of a swim and then sit in the steam room for ages. Then I'd come back home and have a nap, wake up and put some lazy make up on. Have a barbecue in the back garden (because it's summer, obvs) and loads of my friends would be there. The sun would be out for ages and it would stay warm 'til late, we'd be drinking and eating and then they'd bugger off and I'd go to bed. Bed activities occur (wink) then sleeping. Amazingly deep, top quality sleep. Then on Sunday we would sleep 'til about 10.30, wake up and have eggs and bacon. Watch some crappy telly and then mooch about the local shops, go for Sunday lunch in The Urban Standard. Go home. Watch a film, have a cuddle. Have a bath, watch Mr Selfridge. Sleep. Done. Lush. 

7- Favourite quote
I don't really have a favourite which springs to mind. But here is something I like.

"A flower does not think of competing with the next flower to it. It just blooms."
I am slowly learning that my success, attractiveness, happiness and achievements are nothing to do with anyone else's.
8- What is one of your beauty secrets?
Facewipes can go to hell. Maybe when you're drunk and that's about it. They're the worst, they're full of alcohol, dry your skin out, never take everything off. Bleurgh, ban them!
9- A random fact about you
I'm an only child.
10- What is your signature dish?
That's another thing I am still in the process of learning. I love food, but I don't have anything I'd call a signature! Tonight I'm making some fancy lamb business which I saw on Pinterest!
11- Current favourite trend?
It's so boring to say 'pastels' isn't it? Such a cliche spring trend but I love a good pastel. I love when I start seeing all the high street retailers rolling out the pastels, because it means the clocks will go forward soon, the sun will stick around for longer, it will start getting warmer, and it's my birthday soon! Pastels just look happy! I'm not a big one for wearing new season trends, if I buy something this summer I'll want to be able to wear it in 2 or 3 summers time and not look like a pillock.

I nominate: 

Oh dear. I really can't think of anymore. I read a really small collection of blogs, and some of them have millions of followers so there's no point tagging them! It's supposed to be 11 bloggers but never mind. Here's your 11 questions... 

1) How many blogs do you read, and how often?
2) Do you prefer blogs to be about one things, or a range of topics?
3) Which is better... food or sleep?
4) If you could only choose one piece of make up for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5) If you could only shop in one shop for the rest of your life, what shop would it be?
6) What do you do to relax? 
7) If you could give one tip to new bloggers like myself, what would it be? 
8) What is your best feature? 
9) What's your best personality attribute? 
10) Night in or night out? 
11) What did you have for lunch today?

(If you've already done it, or can't be bothered. I wont be offended!)

Ashton xxx

Urban Massage Review*

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Let me tell you my previous experience of massage. I used to think paying for someone to rub you was a strange concept, until one day when I decided to do the very same. Since then I've had dozens of massages, some bad some good. I was lucky enough to be offered a complimentary massage from Urban Massage, a company who already have a great reputation in London and recently launched in Bristol, and they are fabulous!

The aim of the game is of course to relax, both the body and mind. It's really tough sometimes to put down the iPhone and just.... do nothing, think of nothing, chill. I am guilty of having an over-active brain, massage is an opportunity to put that to bed.
I also struggle with back pain, due to the fact I spend 80% of my time hunched up feeling the cold. So I definitely wasn't about to say no to a free massage! I was a little apprehensive however, as this was going to take place in my home rather than a spa...
Urban Massage is an app, in which you can book a professional massage in the comfort of your own home! It's really simple to use, you just select the type of treatment you'd like, select a time, and select the available therapist.
 I decided to go for a Deep Tissue massage, in the afternoon on my day off. I'd spent the morning at a yoga class, going for a swim and chilling in the sauna. It's all very self indulgent, which I make no apologies for! Sometimes you just have to be kind to yourself. 
The therapist arrived on time and was friendly and professional, assessing any problems I suffer with and what areas I'd like her to concentrate on. Personally, when getting a massage in a spa I usually end up feeling guilty which ruins the experience for me! I know this sounds ridiculous, but I've spoken to many therapists who have told me they are often paid terribly, and expected to do back-to-back massage for very little pay! Which is of course, really exhausting physical work with little or no personal interaction. I had a bit of a cheeky chat with my therapist and found out she's able to fit Urban Massage around her life, they pay a really fair wage, and she really enjoys it! I was able to enjoy my massage knowing that she enjoys her work. 

I would definitely recommend Urban Massage! It was really nice that when it was all finished, I was at home! I was smelling good, I had some candles lit and I could just enjoy being chilled out! Rather than having to leave a spa and walk to a bus stop and be thrown back into real life! 

I've been given a code for my readers to recieve £10 off a massge, click this link to book online (you don't have to use the app) or us the code 'RASHTON2M'. Spoil yourself!

Thanks for reading! Any questions don't hesitate to get in contact! 

Ashton xxx

Bare Minerals Skincare Treats Part II

Monday, 23 February 2015


Welcome to part two of bareMinerals skincare treats! I'm sat writing this in the cafe in my gym, I've just done a yoga class and I'm waiting for a goats cheese and grape panini. Check me out, I'm so fancy. 

This product comes as either clear (which I use) light, medium or tan. People always ask 'is it basically make up which you can wear to bed?' and the short answer is YES! When I first began working for Bare Mins and people would ask what it's for, I couldn't think of anything other than 'when you have a new 'partner' and don't want to go to bed without make up' if you catch my drift. Whilst that is a great selling point, that's not all it's for. My brilliant trainer told me it's great for people who do night shifts, or if you suddenly have to leave the house but you've already done your cleansing and moisturising and whatnot!

From a skincare point of view, it's fantastic. It's the highest concentrate of the Active Soil Complex available, (as mentioned in my previous post). It improves the texture and tone of skin, and helps tighten pores. This is the biggest benefit I have seen from using Night Treatment personally, especially during 'lady time' when I'm especially oily and have more open pores. People with open pores will benefit from using Night Treatment. 

The brush which comes with Night Treatment is really dense and it's actually quite a nice relaxing pre-sleep sensation on the face! The finish is not quite matte, almost like a slightly glowy powder. Again, it's one of those where you have to try it to believe it. I love it! 

A pot of Glow Pads gets you 60 of these little textured beauties, which you gently sweep over the face to give you more radiance and luminosity. Containing that lucious Active Soil Complex business, as well as glycolic acid to naturally exfoliate and make way for fresh glowy skin. 

Glow pads weren't a product I felt an instant draw to, mostly because dullness isn't a huge concern of mine. Also, I think I subconsciously associated them with the Clearasil pads my mum gave me when I was thirteen and suffering my first breakouts! Full of alcohol and incredibly drying for the skin. 
VERY different to glowpads. All ingredients are natural and will only benefit.

I've only started using them this week, so I'm not really able to report a noticable difference as all skincare takes atleast four weeks to truly take effect. However I do feel a mild exfoliation after using them. Meaning I feel nice and clean, as I do with all bareMinerals skincare!

I'm going to share with you a before and after photo. Now, whether this progress is purely down to using bareMinerals makeup and skincare or if it's thanks to some other factors I couldn't tell you for definite. But it's a fact that the 'before' was at the beginning of making changes in my make up and skincare, and the 'after' is now. It was actually taken last week when I was on holiday with my boyfriend and decided to stroll about without a slick of make up. Which I simply couldn't have considered a few months ago, I would have atleast had a BB cream on to cover my redness. 
You can see I don't have any sore, painful, red and swollen spots anymore. I still get the odd one or two but it's nothing like before. I'm nearly 25 and it's taken this long! 

I have natural sunlight on my face in the second photo, but I promise you I am not wearing any make up what so ever. No tinted moisturiser, nothing. 

If anyone wants to have a more personal chat about anything to do with skincare. Please don't hesitate to Facebook message me or Tweet me, whether I know you or not! I won't tell a soul, I completely understand how soul destroying bad skin can be! (I can't even believe I've just put that photo up!)

Edit: I should also mention, the best place to catch me in person is the bareMinerals counter in House of Fraser Bristol!

Thanks For Reading Beauties!

Ashton xx

(Although I have a side section stating so, I'd like to state all opinions and photographs are my own, I do not write on behalf of my employer and his blog is in now way affiliated with my employer)
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