Evening all!
There's nothing I love more than an independently run company, Nyla Rose is a gorgeous little family run business with a vintage inspired vibe. Sounds right up my street! They say:
'As a growing business, we know that you, our customers, are at the heart of what we do, and we do everything we can to put a smile on your face!'
Here's a collection of some of their most delectable products I am lusting after (if you are reading this boyfriend it's only 92 days 'til Christmas so take note!) I really recommend checking out their website for more!
The Lindy Bop Black Amorette Dress is delicious! I usually would associate this shape of dress with colourful prints for spring/summer, I'm not sure why I've never considered it for the current months. A simple black dress is a staple for autumn/winter and I know this one would suit my shape a treat. I've also recently partook in my first 'Lindy Bop' dance lesson... so it seems very apt, hey?!
As a 24 year old grown up lady type thing, I think it's pretty embarrassing that I don't own a proper handbag. I usually scruff around with my leopard print backpack (which I love) ...but when I want to wear a blazer and heels, it's just not ok! Nyla Rose's Tanned Tote Handbag would be perfect with a cream blouse and jeans. It's definitely a woman's bag and not a girl's, which is what I need in my life!
My flat is crying out for the Sass and Belle Vintage Floral Suitcases! I think that the clutter on my shelves has been having an affair with the clutter under my bed and they seemed to have had multiple clutter children all over my bedroom floor, I swear is wasn't me! I could really do with some sort of attractive storage space and these beauties would hide my mess and look gorgeous at the same time!
The product Nyla Rose send me was a cute little coin purse. When I go out looking fancy with a small bag, I have no where to put my big chunky purse so this is definitely going to come in handy! There's noting worse that having random coinage floating around the bottom of your clutch!
It's got two little sections, one for my coins & cash and one for my bank card & ID
(I still bring my ID out with me, in the hope that some door man will humour me by asking to see it)
Thank you so much to Nyla Rose for their generosity! You can check out them out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and The Nyla Rose Homepage.
Ashton xxx