I realised the promise to have a 'blogger of the week' feature did not quite happen. Maybe it can be blogger of the month, or maybe blogger of the
moment! There's only so many times I can roll out the 'hey, I'm new here!' excuse. But really, I'm new!
The blogger I'm going to be featuring today is Phee from
Phee's Make Up Tips. I first discovered Phee via
Instagram, where she is frequently featured on the
Illamasqua page. For me, Phee really stands out in the crowd. I follow about 500 people there, and 50% of those are make-up themed. Phee has something different going on! She doesn't follow trends, and if she does it's always with her own little twist! Phee does everything from subtle soft day time glowyness, to dramatic big brows and strong colour. This time last year I was starting to think about what to do for halloween, and I drew inspiration from Phee's gorgeous green contour.
I asked Phee a few questions we can find out a bit more!
1) When did you first discover your talent for make up?
I really don't know! I guess it would be when I was at college, I took Fine Art as one of my A Level subjects and incorporated makeup into a lot of the projects I did. I had an interest in makeup before then though, and was always 'that weird kid' experimenting with different looks. I guess I'm still that weird kid ;).
2) When did you start channeling your make up through Instagram & your blog?
When I started uni I had a lot of spare time on my hands. I used to look at other peoples' blogs and think that I could maybe do that too, so I did. Instagram happened a bit late on for me, I was in a rut with my makeup and my for a while and Instagram helped me get out of it. You've got to be bold and creative on their to give people something eye catching that they'll want to double tap!
3) What would be your top tips for a new blogger like myself?
Don't focus on numbers. It can be disheartening sometimes in the early stages of your blog to keep checking the analytics. I still barely check mine, I focus more on the comments on the posts and how people interact with the content I put up on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Also don't spread yourself too thin. Some bloggers post every day - great on them - but I just found trying to write three posts, upload a video, think of a series for Instagram was getting way too much. Take a break too if you need to, I've taken months off writing and come back to have a better response to the posts I put up.
4) What are your favourite products/looks for autumn/winter?
For autumn/winter I'm all about faking that glow so Illamasqua Gleam in Aurora rarely leaves my side. I also love a really dark lip, Black Dahlia lip tar and lip pencil by OCC are the best for getting a great colour and crisp lines.
5) You create some really theatrical looks, and some people don't always know how to take this. How do you deal with online criticism?
I try not to read the comments, I really do, but curiosity gets the better of me! I never reply, because I feel like it could be taken the wrong way, but I do take on board what people say. It's great that we can get instant feedback sharing things online and I'm asking for it putting my images up there for people to share if they want.
I also keep in mind that if a brand's shared my image, they've deemed it good enough to put on their page to (sometimes) thousands of followers.
As you can see, Phee is really incredibly talented. Coming from a creative background in terms of education, I believe make-up is not always about looking pretty, it's about expression and art and colour and breaking the mould. Which this lady has got down!
Ashton xxx